Author: Dhananjay Mahesh Bhati

Class: IE655 Spring 2017


Date: 27th February 2017

eLearning pack ID: IE655-Spring2017-18-18

Professor: Paul G. Ranky

This assignment was completed by Dhananjay Mahesh Bhati with the help of resources from 3D e-book: chapter 6, 7, 8, process CORA template and Ranky – Taguchi calculator created by Paul G. Ranky.

Collaborating Companies

  • Niagara Cutter
  • MITSUBISHI Materials

Virtual company name: Harit Disposal Solutions LTD.


  1. Introduction & Objectives of Project
  2. Description of Methodology Applied
  3. Main Body of Project
    • Customer Requirements Based on the Images
    • CORA Product Requirement Model
    • CORA
    • Main Solution Process
    • Analysis of CORA Results
    • Ranky- Taguchi Calculator
  4. Collaboration
  5. Summary
  6. Further work proposed
  7. Social Networking
  8. Reference

1. Introduction

The aim of Harit Disposal Solutions LTD. is to provide an efficient and smart way to manage the waste generated by the Metalworking industry. Thereby helping keep the water and soil clean and recycle waste metal. Use of metal tools and finished products sustain the world around us. We are primarily focussed on designing methodology to improve the efficiency of separating the coolant liquids and oils from the metal waste. Traditionally, the metal waste has been disposed off in the landfills. While in the soil, the toxic liquids seep into the surrounding soil and contaminate the ground water and nearby soil.

Harit Disposal Solutions LTD. does continuous research on improving the centrifugation methods. Along with that, efforts are being made to come up with an efficient methodology for the recycling process to reduce the capital and energy spent on recycling. This recycling of metal waste reduces the amount of mining and refining done every day to meet the increasing global demand for metal.


The objective of this project is to understand the customer better, by analyzing their requirements using CORA (Customer Oriented Requirements Analysis). For this analysis we will use the CORA tool and Ranky-Taguchi calculator which will help S2S.Inc to obtain a deeper understanding of the customer requirement and highlight the crucial ones.

2. Description of Methodology applied

CORA (Component Oriented Requirements Analysis) – it is a systematic and customizable method based on QFD (Quality Function Deployment) and other methods developed by Dr. Ranky to analyse products, processes, total quality management needs including products, processes and services.
CORA is divided in four different modules:

  1. User Requirements.
  2. Engineering Solutions.
  3. Parameter calculations.
  4.  Bench-marking.

3. Main Body of the Project

Customer Requirements Based on the Images from the 3D eBook


The image above shows a boat propulsion blade. The element appears to sit on open air and has signs of saline corrosion. This is a case of poor material selection. The customer requirement would be to have better storage units and select better materials with higher resistance to saline corrosion.


The picture demonstrates a great illustration of poor workmanship on this specific item. The screw ought to have safely cinched the connection pole, yet it is forgotten. This could prompt disastrous disappointment and this could have been effectively revised with legitimate quality checks before giving it over to the client.


According to the above image, it looks like the problem is with the poor selection of wood, the processing of the material, and the finishing wood used. Again the expectation of the customer here is believed to be one of durability with regards to the relative life span of the products. Total Quality Management (TQM) plays a great role here, which would have led to the selection of the appropriate type of wood that will withstand the intended atmospheric conditions.

As per the images above, the selection of wood and there is no proper finishing of wood before it got painted that’s why the paint has been removed from the wood. Again the durability of wood is also reduced and the life span is shorter. The paint applied is of low quality and it goes off when it comes in contact with environmental conditions. TQM strategies should be applied to overcome these kind of problems.

These images above show the rusted steel in the walking area of this dock structure, and the primary reason is because the steel sections of the structure are being degraded due to corrosion and rust. The manufacturing and engineering process of type of structure requires the use of the TQM and PLM concepts at all stages. Most docks use wood in the entire structural outlay to avoid this type of structural breakdown due to corrosion and rust. The customers requirement in this area would have been a sustainable product against environmental effects.

These pictures show harmed watercraft motor parts. It is clear from the pictures that the fundamental driver for these harm is rusting. Again for this situation too the makers ought to have picked the fitting material for these parts which can shield itself from rusting or give a covering to abstain from rusting. Without these measures the life of these segments descends and brings about misuse of material.

CORA Product Requirements Model

Harit Disposal Solutions LTD has constructed a CORA model using the CORA template.

The methodology of CORA involves 3 main stages.:

  • Define Purpose: This defines responsibility of the team to analyse the given system which is to be designed.  Equally, it is important to realize that the scope and the function of CORA changes as it is applied at different levels and stages of any processes. Finally, the extent of analysis must be defined.
  • Identify User Requirements: At this stage, the team collects all clear, realistic and accurate user requirements. These will be entered on the left hand side of the spreadsheet.
  • Prioritize Potential Requirements: This activity contains the ranking of the identified user requirements based on importance of each. This analysis allows highest customer satisfaction as it focuses on the key issues and offers a traceable path from the customer to the most detailed processes, throughout each stage of the development cycle. In order to quantify the information above, correlation values are set in the CORA matrix: 1 is ‘low level correlation’, or 3 is ‘medium level correlation’, or 9 is ‘high level correlation’.

Critical Requirements of the operation are as follows:

  1. Time to process waste metal with centrifugation
  2. High quality of recycled metal that meets market demand standards
  3. Minimise waste by implementing green processes
  4. Customer  service management
  5. High quality management
  6. Latent and innovative technology
  7. Customisation
  8. Centrifugation and recycling cost
  9. Green energy utilisation
  10. Waste metal procurement
  11. Reduce Carbon footprint
  12. Ergonomics

Main Solution Process:

The main Sustainable, Green CE and PLM process targets environment and customer oriented quality and functional requirements. Integrated Sustainable, Green CE and PLM process controls the contaminant removal from metal and recycling process in order to achieve the targeted deliverable. The process Sustainable, Green CE and PLM utilizes several resources under an optimized system in order to produce several deliverable such as documentation, operational excellence, reliability, high quality, sustainability and customer satisfaction.

Analysis of CORA Results:

Critical Requirements and assigned priority levels:

  1. Time to process waste metal with centrifugation: 4
  2. High quality of recycled metal that meets market demand standards: 5
  3. Minimise waste by implementing green processes: 4
  4. Customer  service management: 5
  5. High quality management:5
  6. Latent and innovative technology:3
  7. Customisation:4
  8. Centrifugation and recycling cost: 5
  9. Green energy utilisation: 4
  10. Waste metal procurement:4
  11. Reduce Carbon footprint: 5
  12. Ergonomics: 4

Following is the CORA spreadsheet for Harit solutions Ltd.


After analysis of CORA excel sheet the CORA team will focus on higher Absolute Importance  Rating (AIR) value. This value will help the company to improve continuously by satisfying customer requirements with the highest AIR value and ultimately lowest through engineering solutions.

The Highest AIR Values

Following are the AIR values Observed:

  1. Operations efficiency 332
  2. Optimum Utilization 326
  3. R&D 318

These three solutions are the most important solutions to meet the customer requirements. Attaining the company of goal of attaining customer defined quality and functional requirements will be possible only through focusing on the above three solutions.

Optimum Utilization: (AIR Value 326)

This engineering solution has the maximum absolute importance rating. Appropriate process planning and use of high precision machines will help optimum utilization of material. The company focuses on operational accuracy and minimizes the waste.

Operations efficiency: (AIR 332)

This engineering solution has the maximum absolute importance rating. Operations Efficiency is the capability of an enterprise to deliver products or services to its customers in the most cost-effective manner possible while still ensuring the high quality of its products, service and support. The AIR shows that it has high operations efficiency which help the organisation to compete in the global market

Research and development: (AIR 318)

Since the customers requirement keeps on changing with the time as the technological trends advance up. New R&D methods will help the firm to meet the customer’s demands and stay competitive in the market, Initiative for improving the R&D will be taken into consideration.

The engineering solution with correlation “9” indicates that it is the most important and essential solution for the corresponding customer requirement. Engineering solutions which have a high correlation to the customer requirements are essential for the company in order to satisfy the customers and gain their goodwill. So it is very important to focus on such engineering solutions with high AIR value.

Ranky – Taguchi Calculator:
Ranky-Taguchi calculator was used to derive the Signal to Noise Ratio for quality assurance factor in the CORA spreadsheet. Ranky -Taguchi calculator is used to determine an optimum set of experiments to obtain the results and hence decide on the best choices of the parameters. The above experiments were conducted under accelerated test conditions.

We have identified all the critical requirements and satisfied most. CORA is a very valuable tool in understanding and determining all of the customer requirements.  We can continue to improve the process; adding more effective engineering controls to better meet customer needs and deleting those no longer meet the demands.

Following is the Ranky – Taguchi Calculator excel sheet:


4. Collaboration Effort

With the analysis results we have discussed with our collaborating companies as to what our prime focus must be and how we can improve them. Niagra cutters have agreed to provide best performing machines conducting intense R&D at our facility. Also our main focus, which was sustainable development is also being implemented on a larger scale. Also we will be focussing more on product lifecycle management in order to get our customers the best product with highest tool life.

5. Social Networking Articles

Tidal lagoons could play significant role in UK decarbonisation plans

An independent review by UK’s former energy minister Charles Hendry on the potential role of tidal lagoons in UK;s decarbonised energy mix has concluded that they could prove to be a cost effective and secure supply of decarbonised electricity. UK is known to have the second largest tidal range in the world after Canada. Hendry concludes that tidal lagoons would provide security in supply and enable the country to deliver on decarbonisation commitments and also bring substantial opportunities for the supply chain.

He states that one of the great advantages of tidal energy is that it’s completely predictable, since we know when the tides are going to be every day, so it can play an important role in meeting security of supply.

A separate study by Aurora Energy research concluded that tidal energy could provide at least 10% of UK’s power by 2030. CO2 emissions could be reduced by 36% relative to a scenario where tidal power generation is not developed. In regards to the pathfinder tidal project, Hendry explains that a smaller pathfinder project needs to be operational before moving onto the larger one. This smaller project would provide experience in operating larger projects. This means that the government would need a long term strategy in favour of tidal lagoons will be needed.

Click here for the reference article.

Click here for the discussion.

New US Electricity Transmission Additions could have significant impact for wind energy

A report published by the US Energy Department Authored by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has shown that a limited increase in America’s electricity transmission network could make the country source 20% electricity by 2030 and 35% by 2050 from wind. This would result in a consumer savings increase at $2.3 – $3.4 billion annually. Investments in America’s electricity transmission infrastructure could upgrade the archaic electric grid, saving consumers billions of dollars and creating jobs.

The report proposes three transmission expansion scenarios which add four new transmission capacity. These four lines would reduce annual curtailment by approximately half and they’d have high utilisation factors.

Click here for the reference article.

Click here for the discussion

The Durabulb LED lightbulb delivers improvement in unexpected places.

Lighting science has produced a durable lightbulb which can excel in all environments, especially where fragile glass bulb couldn’t fare well and pose a safety risk. Durabulb LED bulb can be used in industrial scenarios, garages and place where workers could be hit by the glass.

With the durabulb so rugged, it doesn’t require dense packaging for shipping, allowing it to be shipped in a much tighter formation and eliminating any breakage. Apart from being durable and rugged, durabulb provides the same look and feel of a bulb that consumers have grown accustomed to.

Click here for the reference article.

Click here for the discussion.

6. Summary

The project was very important for me because it encouraged my research on Quality Function Deployment. I believe that I have now good understanding of statistical tools which can be used to understand customer requirements.

7. Further work needed / proposed

I am going to spend more time on studying QFD tools, and investigate similar tools to Ranky-Taguchi calculator which I believe our very important in designing processes and picking right components for every project or product.

8. References and Bibliography

  1. Concurrent/Simultaneous Engineering Methods, Tools and case studies within a sustainable, globally collaborative Green PLM framework, provided by Dr. Ranky, PhD, published by CIMware USA,Inc. and CIMware LTD, UK
  2. IE 655, Concurrent Engineering, elearning pack by Prof. Ranky

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