Concurrent Engineering Product Design Review / Assessment and Improvements: New Product Innovation & Introduction (NPI & I) Challenges

Author: Dhananjay Mahesh Bhati

Class: IE655 Spring 2017


Date: 25th April 2017

eLearning pack ID: IE655-Spring2017-18-18

Professor: Paul G. Ranky

This assignment was completed by Dhananjay Mahesh Bhati with the help of resources from 3D e-book.

Collaborating Companies

  • Niagara Cutter
  • MITSUBISHI Materials

Virtual company name: Harit Disposal Solutions LTD.


  1. Introduction and Objectives of the Project
  2. Part 0: Rework
  3. Part 1:
    1. Innovative Green PLM Design
    2. Product/Process Innovation, Introduction Methods and Processes
    3. Green Product Innovation Introduction (NPI & I)
    4. CORA
    5. PFRA
    6. Rapid Prototyping
  4. Part 2:
    1. PLM/Digital Design, Digital Manufacturing & Sustainable Green Transition Plan
    2. Transition Plan CIMpgr
    3. Implementation of Transition Plan
    4. ROI Plan
  5. Part 3: Video Conferencing
  6. Summary
  7. Social Networking Content
  8. References

Introduction and Objectives of the Project

The assignment is divided in 4 parts:
The first part is the rework of previous assignments based on comments by the professor.
The second part is creating innovative green PLM design a new alternate product for the company using sustainable methods.
The third part is about making a PLM / digital design & digital manufacturing and sustainable green transition plan for a company of your choice PLM /Digital Design Manufacturing and Sustainable Transition Plan for our company.
In the fourth part I am discussing about the new product with a classmate using video calling with the help of SKYPE.

Part 0: Assignment rework

Assignment 0: 0/10 –
Assignment 1: 10/10
Assignment 2: 20/20
Assignment 3: 20/20
Assignment 4: 20/20

Part 1: Innovative Green PLM Design

By learning concurrent engineering course I have learned many tools and get an insight to implement the same methods to improve my products and processes. The main goal is to produce green and sustainable products. We are now planning to start an alternate process to remove contaminants and catalysts from metal, which will increase our productivity and revenue.
I’m considering to start new process to separate catalysts from huge quantities of scrap metal. But the problem in introducing new method is the capital cost. Magnetic catalysts have the benefits of easy recovery and reuse after the completion of the reactions and green chemical processes. Magnetic separation, among the various procedures for removing catalysts, not only obviates the requirement of catalyst filtration or centrifugation after the completion of reactions, but also provides a practical technique for recycling the magnetized nanostructured catalysts. The magnetic separation of catalyst involves new equipment which is necessary to magnetically remove catalysts efficiently and once separated, they can be recycled and reused.
Most of the electricity produced in the world is derived from fossil fuels. The burning of coal produces carbon dioxide which is considered as harmful Greenhouse Gas in order to solve the problem of global warming, we are considering the use of renewable sources to produce electricity. At Harit Disposal Solutions LTD. we are committed to work towards controlling the emissions, reduce the carbon foot print and introduce new green methods to advance the industry in a sustainable path. We are using latest solar collector which has enormous amount of surface area to collect solar energy. Solar energy is cheap and green source of energy. We are going to start a production line of these solar collectors working on solar energy. These solar collectors can produce energy up to 200-300 volts (minimum) depending upon their size. We are collaborating with GE electric and Nippon Rika Japan on a big scale during this project. Since GE electric can supply with all kinds of motors and frequency invertors we can use their supplies a lot. Nippon Rika will provide photovoltaic cells for solar collectors.

CORA Analysis

After carefully analysing key factors directly linked to the success of Harit Disposal Solutions LTD. and to the implementation of a greener technologies for emissions control. Harit Disposal Solutions LTD. will be implementing CORA to determine the effect of various elements to the company growth. CORA will provide us with a road map as to what are the most important parts we need to focus on in order to produce a better and greener service. Also, Harit Disposal Solutions LTD. will use CORA to better understand the costumer’s requirements and to provide successful strategic plan.

Critical Requirements of the operation are as follows:

  1. Time to process waste metal with centrifugation
  2. High quality of recycled metal that meets market demand standards
  3. Minimise waste by implementing green processes
  4. Customer  service management
  5. High quality management
  6. Latent and innovative technology
  7. Customisation
  8. Centrifugation and recycling cost
  9. Green energy utilisation
  10. Waste metal procurement
  11. Reduce Carbon footprint
  12. Ergonomics

CORA Results analysis

The priorities of each of the functional activities are ranked with Absolute Importance Rating (AIR) to give priority according to user requirements. Correlation values of 1 (Low), 3 (Medium) and 9 (High) are used by the team to prioritize the requirements. This function should be done in a team to allow better understanding and correct level of customer satisfaction required.  All requirements will be ranked depending on their importance from 1 to 5 (5 – the most important). Based on the requirements priority and correlation values the Absolute Importance Rating (AIR) will be calculated. AIR gives us quantified level of importance in terms of how engineering solution respond to specific customer need.

Following are the three main solutions:

  1. Operations efficiency
  2. Optimum Utilization
  3. R&D

Operations Efficiency has the higher AIR and therefore should be the main focus for us here at Harit Disposal Solutions LTD. it will define how well we did our job at designing and developing our network. Harit Disposal Solutions LTD. will drive these results to all departments because now we have a better understanding of what is the core of our business. This will help us to further develop a better and stronger brand.
The second solution with the higher AIR is Optimum Utilization. Apart from having an efficient operation we also need to make sure that all of our sites and hubs are well balance and therefore utilized. This will make our operation a lot smoother because it will reduce bottlenecks and constrains
R&D is the third most important solution. This will help us to put the right methods in place to ensure that our internal and external costumers will always have the best of the results. This helps us to always come up with better methods and processes to keep innovating and helping our customers and environment.
In summary of the top 3 AIR; as a metal processing and recycling company, our focus is to improve our costumer operations and maximize the profits and reduce cost. I could have not agreed more with the CORA analysis. Before we study, learn and improve a costumer’s operation we first have to make sure that our operations are running efficiently.

Process Failure Risk Analysis (PFRA)

At Harit Disposal Solutions LTD., we performed a PFRA to make sure that the processes are in place in the line of emission control standards and are optimized to yield their best possible results. In this case, we looked at all the areas we thought are of major importance in order to abate pollution in a best possible manner. The key is to make sure that the design and manufacturing process and other processes include verification controls which can identify potential failures. These criteria can then be used when deciding upon the degree of risk.
On performing PFRA, Harit Disposal Solutions LTD. observed 12 processes. The 12 processes are listed below:

  1. Examining centrifugation assembly
  2. Process waste metal with centrifugation
  3. Centrifugation process efficiency
  4. Emission standards
  5. Segregation of purified scrap metal
  6. Recycling metal
  7. Procurement of Waste Metal
  8. Disposing of coolants and oils
  9. Selective catalytic reduction
  10. Facility inspection
  11. Work force plan
  12. Staging plan

Based on the values obtained through PFRA analysis three (3) processes have high failure potential, and they are:

  1. Process waste metal with centrifugation RPN 400
  2. Recycling metal RPN 288
  3. Workforce plan RPN 300

The PFRA sheet records the failure mode and effects for each of the above steps and calculates the Risk Priority Number (RPN) associated with each failure. Higher the RPN higher is the probability that the process will cause failure. These sub processes can cause a lot of damage to company in terms of money, time, quality and reliability. So it is necessary to address these processes and find engineering solutions. The team came up with the following analysis on the above stated process to reduce the risk of the pin to fail;
All processes above require immediate reaction from our management. All the processes will be reviewed as soon as possible – audits, inspections and procedures will be created. The process which has the highest RPN (Risk Priority Number) is Processing waste metal with centrifugation. Centrifugation is crucial to our service, and as we can see process which has very high risk of failure. The management will consult with Chemical engineers and collaboration companies to create easy to follow procedures such as the proper centrifugation process, different sedimentation techniques in order to bring this risk to very low level.
The second process which has the highest risk associated with is, recycling of metal. It is very important process because it recycles the waste metal scraps, this metal is sold back to the metal industry. Management took so immediate action to address this failure. We will consult collaboration companies to find easier ways to efficiently recycle the scrap metal and possible changes to methodology might occur after consultations. Also, the employees under the recycling department will undergo rigorous training sessions.

Further work needed/proposed:

We are going to design a perfect marketing plan. We will be starting the company in US but our first target would be to make a spot in the Asian market because developing countries dump large quantities of scrap metal.

Green Product Innovation and Introduction (NPI & I) methods:

  1. :- This paper discusses about the magnetic catalysts and how they can be separated and easily recycled and be ready for reuse.
  2. American Iron and Metal Co. ( AIM operates one shredder plant and an additional facility through which more than 365,000 tons of ferrous scrap were handled last year. AIM’s interoperability integrates into the firm’s current system environment. Implement complete solutions with applications as PLM and ERP.
  3. Triple M Metals ( A member of the Giampaolo Group triumphed to win a 2012 Canada’s Best Managed Companies. Tube City provides scrap management, slag processing and metal recovery services to integrated steel mills, mini-mills and foundries in North America and to U.S. Steel Co. mills in Eastern Europe. Triple M Metals has Insight and Product Innovation (IPI) which helps design, management and produce better products.  It optimizes the product, process and organization as a whole.

Part 2:

PLM/Digital Design, Digital Manufacturing & Sustainable Green Transition Plan

Many companies have been utilizing the traditional engineering approach for design which involves a sequential approach where marketing obtains the requirements which are passed to the design team. Once the design is complete this is passed manufacturing, testing, and then production. When errors or changes occur it must go back to the phase that needs rework and then back through the sequential phases. This method is characterized by a lot of risk and often leads to longer product lead times and added waste. Furthermore, when a new product is launched with the traditional approach but it similar to a certain degree to an existing product the tradition approach often requires a start from scratch. Companies have started to transition to a CE/PLM based approach which involves the collaboration of all of the groups, marketing, design, manufacturing, maintenance, quality, etc. early on from conception. More importantly there is a heavy collaborative effort during design to reduce the changes of rework and errors. To go further this approach has also evolved into PLM/ Digital Design and Manufacturing. This is a similar concept as CE/PLM but it occurs on a digital platform. Software packages allow for management of the entire PLM in addition to digital modelling and designing of the product and process. Product and process information is stores in an object format which can be manipulated and modified. This type of platform allows for quick collaboration and faster design and modifications. Moreover, the information is stores and can be retrieved when a similar new product has to be developed.  Some companies have been hesitant to transition to a PLM/ Digital Design and Manufacture based company claiming that:
Implementation of PLM / Digital Design and Manufacture leads to shorter lead time of products. It engages the resources early during the design phase to ensure errors are reduced. In addition, it allows for iterative product changes and less rework and newer but similar products need to be developed. This is something Toyota has mastered and has shown for it to be profitable and results in high quality products. Therefore, although the current method works there is always a need to do it better because eventually companies will find it hard to meet the customer’s need.  When the reduction of waste and faster lead times are realized the ROI is favourable therefore the time and money invested is well worth it. Lastly, with the proper implementation plan and software choice existing files and projects can be transitioned over or may not need to be brought over depending on the company strategy.

Transition Plan and Implementation:

This is a basic layout of plan for development of new product during transition period. CIMpgr method is used to prepare a graphical prototype of transition plan.
Layer 0:
This is layer 0. It consists of the basic Inputs (I), Outputs (O), Resources (R) and Constraints (C).
Layer 1:
In this layer the entire process of the product life is shown. It starts with Research and development of product. Here the Product is developed with the help of various tools. In short an idea takes place and gets a shape, size and a name. Then in the next step a detail market analysis is done based on the product requirements. This gives an idea if the product is going to make any money or not! Once we have a detail idea for the demand of our product in market the manufacturing processes start. After the manufacturing is complete a proper marketing strategy is designed and the product is sold in the market. The final output is profit.
Return on Investments (ROI)
This is the analysis of profits or returns that EG. Inc. will get against the investment in this project. This is important to check is the project is feasible or not.
Initial Investment = $1000000
Running Costs = $500000 per year
The assembly line will be completed in 2 months. The production of the first batch will take at least 6 months. Then the marketing will start and sufficient amount of metal will be processed and recycled by the end of the year. It won’t generate any profit during the first year as the initial investment is high. But it will recover all the initial investment in the first year along with its running cost.
Profits in first year – $0
Profits in second year – $ 1000000
Profits in third year – $1000000
ROI on investment in 3 years = 200%
The profit will go on increasing as the demand increases. This will happen over a period of time as the service gets established in the market with good value. In order to achieve that we will be producing top quality recycled metal meeting our customer requirements.

Part 3: Video Conferencing and Social Networking

I conducted my video conference through skype on April 25th, 2017 with Yogesh Kannan

The purpose of the video conference was to do product review. We discussed our products and different approaches to quality.
1.What is a product design review?
Product design review is an evaluation of design against its requirements in order to verify if design goals were reached.
2.How did you prepare your files for this web-based VC product design review?
Both Yogesh and I wrote short overview of our companies and we shared our web pages.
3.What were the most important steps in your product design review process?
Discussion of methodologies used during green product life cycle management. We discussed CORA, PFRA and other statistical methods.
4.What software did you use for VC and how?
The software we used for Video conferencing was Skype.
5.What did you discuss and achieve during VC session?
We discussed our product design. We concentrated on green aspects of our design such as how really green are our products and how we can improve that in future. We shared our issues about some green products such as solar cells which create a lot good things but the process of making them is extremely toxic. The biggest achievement of the VC session was to share our experience with different methods used through our projects and how we overcame some issues.
6.How do you like this video-conferencing approach for collaborative CE/PLM problem solving?
I enjoyed video conferencing approach for problem solving. The biggest advantage is that it can be done from anywhere in the world and it saves environment too.
7.What were the main challenges?
The main challenges of our assignment were to learn how to apply learnt methods to our companies.
8.What worked well, and what did not and why?
Yash really liked PFRA and he believes that it’s the most important tool learnt in class. For me, it was quality function deployment – CORA, where I could compare different customer requirements with engineering solutions.
9.In comparison to a face to face visit versus VC, what is the estimated carbon footprint saving to the environment?
Car: 2016 Honda Oddysey
Avg. MPG: 24
Distance from my home to NJIT (roundtrip): 25 miles
Carbon footprint saving: 0.0092 tons of CO­2
Yearly commute to NJIT for all my classes: 2250 miles
Yearly carbon savings (if I take all classes online): 0.82 tons of CO2
10.  What are green engineering benefits of using VC?
​By using VC we create huge carbon footprint saving especially that in many cases we can avoid flying to other country.


This assignment had the introduction of several technologies in the processes that were being used for manufacturing of our products. These technologies were introduced in all the tools that were discussed in the previous assignments. The implementation of CIMpgr Models, CORA and PFRA demonstrated a significant benefit of these Technology. At the last stage of the assignment, quality tests were performed in order to ensure continuous improvement of the company as well as better customer satisfaction and greener sustainability. The complete process was then passed through a quality test to see that all the procedures are being followed to be a sustainable organization. Application of the course tools such as CIMpgr diagrams, CORA charts, Control Charts, and PFRA charts have been employed in the company’s production processes. These techniques help reduce to defects and errors. Through Process modeling everyone in the company understands the processes that are followed during the manufacture of the product. The CORA method, helped improve the design of the service process by understanding and meeting the requirements of the customer. Lastly, the PFRA method was used to identify potential risk failures and process failures that could affect the product once it is released to end-users. By the implementation of all these techniques and technologies, the organization will continue to strive for new industrial standards and produce high quality products for total customer satisfaction. 

Social Networking

10,000 Volkswagen Diesel Vehicle Owners In UK Suing Company Over Scandal

Harcus Sinclair with Slater and Gordon have sued Volkswagen seeking compensation n thousands of British pounds for every driver/owner in the UK directly affected by the diesel emissions scandal in which company was found using defeat devices to find a way around testing regulations. About 10,000 of those affected have signed on for group action in high court.

Volkswagen representative said that the company doesn’t believe customers were negatively affected by the issue and would defend itself in court.

Click here for the reference link

Click here for discussion

Good Science Tells A Story, & Well-Written Research Has The Greatest Impact

This article illustrates that research abstracts written in a narrative style were favoured among the readers and other scientists more than the one presented in dense, weighty scientific terms.

The findings support beliefs that narrative writing holds more power than expository writing and telling a story can improve communication. But regardless, a lot of publications are written in dry and cumbersome style. According to Ryan Kelly, this style of writing is a remnant of 18th/19th century in which scientists were merely observers.

The researchers also found that the highest-rated journals tended to feature articles with more narrative content. They said they don’t know if the really top journals pick the most readable articles, and that’s why those articles are more influential, or if the more narrative papers would be influential no matter what journal they are in. The study already has received considerable attention, although not from traditional media. Rather, there has been a ton of Twitter posts from scientists.

Click here for the reference link

Click here for the discussion

Robust vs. robot learning

Machine learning is about automated systems learning to identify patterns and relationships in data using hundreds of variables. Machine’s ability to perform this kind of work dramatically outstrips the average worker’s capacity.

Insightful leaders see the value of leveraging machine learning where it makes the greatest sense and impact. But they also understand the unique contributions that are only available from the human mind and spirit.

These leaders know how to tap an unbeatable and ever-evolving competitive advantage by enabling and promoting the non-linear, abstract and creative learning and thinking capacity that resides exclusively within each employee’s brain.

Click here for the reference article

Click here for the discussion


2. E- Learning pack provided by Dr. Paul G.Ranky


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