Assignment 2

A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship.

John D. Rockefeller Jr.

1. Importance of quality partnering and strategic alliances

Partnership based on mutual benefits is fundamental to total quality. The benefits of partnering are most realised when all parties in the chain of partners cooperate. When the partnering exists, the invisible walls between the supplier, manufacture and customers are removed. This enables the manufacturers to better understand what the end-user likes or dislikes, what the product might be used for and makes the modifications accordingly. So, because of partnership, the manufacturer better understands what the market needs and the supplier can help manufacturer in realising the demands.

Contemporary supplier-customer chain

With contemporary supplier-costumer relationship, there is communication, input, feedback and cooperation. Benefits of partnering include, improvement in processes and products, customer satisfaction, improves relationship among employees and various departments.

2. Different forms of quality partnering and strategic alliances


Potential Partnership Participants


Innovative Alliance and Partnerships

A group of small and medium-sized companies may come together to save money through consortium-buying. In this, two or more companies get together to buy common equipments in bulk: by doing so, they gain the cost benefits of size.

Another type of innovative partnership involves suppliers and their customers. Major customers agree to welcome an in-house supplier representative who works with the customers to continually improve the supplier-customer relationship. It gives the customers an advocate who sees what is needed from the supplier, when, where and why. It provides the supplier with firsthand knowledge of how to better serve the costumers.

Another innovative partnership called the Costumer Focus group, is a partnership between supplier and user of its products or services. A focus group consists of customers who are pulled together by a supplier to provide feedback about an existing product or services or input about a proposed product or service.

Internal Partnering

Internal partnering creates an environment and establishes mechanisms within it that brings managers and employees, teams and individual employees together in a mutually supportive alliance that maximise the human resources of an organisation. There should be a mechanism through which employees can channel their ideas for improvement. This partnership enables partners to help each other and perform better.

Partnering with Suppliers

The goal of such a partnership is to create and maintain a loyal, trusting,reliable relationship that will allow both partners to win,  while promoting the continuous improvement of quality, productivity and competitiveness. Qualifying a supplier for this partnership ensures that the products will be delivered when and where they are needed in the specified quantity and without inherent defects.

Partnering with Customers

Forming partnership with customers helps ensure the customer satisfaction and increases the competitiveness as the continuous feedback helps improve the products and services.

Partnering with Potential Competitors

Partnering with a potential competitor has the same rationale as partnering with suppliers and customers. The most commonly practiced partnership among small and medium enterprises is the manufacturing network, in which individual SMEs cooperate in ways that increase their quality, productivity and resultant competitiveness to levels that exceed what the individual companies could achieve on their own.

Education and Business Partnerships

There are two critical factors in continually improving the performance of an organisation: quality of employees and quality of human interaction with the technology. Individuals who lack fundamental work skills cannot perform at globally competitive levels. Moreover,individuals lacking process skills cannot make the most out of the technologies available to them.

3.Importance of Quality Culture

Social Networking aricles

Dyson Air Manipulator

untitledDyson introduced all-powerful air manipulator which incorporates the functionalities of air purifiction, heating and cooling. For purification purposes, it uses a 360-degreee HEPA filter which is capable of detecting pollutants such as pollens, molds and bacteria. The air quality parameters can be controlled via a Dyson link app, allowing users to monitor the air quality without having to walking up-to the air manipulator time and again. The funnel shape enables the air stream tto accelerate over an airfoil, thereby making the product more economical in terms of power consumption compared to a conventional fan used to maintain the air-flow over that same area. The only safety hazard I am worried about is that over the period of operation, inside surface of the funnel heats up. Making it dangerous in an environment with kids around.

Reference article            Detailed Discussion

Mitsubishi Crowd Simulator


While simulating crowds, observed human behavior and interactions are taken into account to replicate collective behavior. It is a method of creating virtual cinematography. It predicts the congestion in agathering and simulates the movements of all the entities, enabling it to detect any movement which is out of a normal simulation. This feature helps identifying any threat and increses the safety of a gathering by preventing any possible deadly stampedes. The system developed by Mitsubishi collects camera data and simuator algorithm focuses on nearby people instead of the whole crowd. This system was deployed for testing at Tokyo’s Tamagawa Fireworks festival and showed a success rate of 80%.

Reference article       Detailed Discussion

Recycling Carbon fibers with 100% efficiency

Researchers at Georgia Tech. have come up with a method to recycle almost 100 percent of the materials in certain types of thermoset carbon fiber composites. During the new process, the carbon fiber composites are soaked in alcohol, which slowly dissolves the epoxy that binds and gives shape to the carbon fibers. Once dissolved, the researchers can separate the carbon fibers and the epoxy and use them for new applications. According to the researchers, polymer matrix is intrinsically crosslinked which maks it hard to strip the polymer and reclaim the carbon fibers.

Carbon fibers containing vitrimer epoxies was used for the studies. Vitrimers contain dynamic bonds that modify their structure without affecting the network integrity. Alcohol, which has small molecules, participates in the network of alternating reactions, which effectively dissolved the vitrimer. This new recycling process has the potential to reduce the thousands of tons of carbon fiber waste generated each year.

Reference Article                   Detailed discussion